These steps will help you, "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

These growth opportunities will encourage your maturity in Faith.  These "steps" are not in sequential order, nor is it expected that you participate in all of these.   However, any you choose to join will surely enhance your Faith.
1.  Participate in our adult Sunday School ProgramStart anytime !!  SS for all ages begins at 9:15am.
2.  Join a Connection Group – a small group either at VBC or at a person’s home for study and fellowship with other Believers.(Watch bulletin for new groups beginning)Ex. Discovery Bible study, Christian book study, Series on Marriage, Finances, Parenting …

3.  Freedom in Christ – is a one on one discipleship study designed to help you discover who you are in Christ, to overcome strongholds, and to encourage your steadfast walk in Christ.  (See a Pastor for more information)

4.  A Band – a 3-4 person accountability group that shares with one another and prays together for the purpose of becoming the love of God for one another and the world. (See a Pastor for more information)

5.  The Invitation study – A 10 week book study, written by Brian Russell, which will provide you with an introduction and overview of God’s Word.(Scheduled twice a year)

6.  Serving and Ministry at VBC Module  and/or serve in a ministry area at VBC (2 class sessions)This will provide an overview of Jesus’ call to use your Spiritual gifts to “serve others,” as well as introduce ways to serve at VBC.  (Watch for a scheduled class)
7.  Considering Membership at VBC ModuleThis module will give you the opportunity to learn more about Vine and Branch Church and the Free Methodist Denomination for purposes of belonging.  We will cover more details about our Mission, Vision, Core Beliefs, and our Connectedness locally and around the world.  After completing this module you will be given an opportunity to become a member of VBC/FMC.  
(Scheduled several times a year)

Connecting With us Further

The Bible says that all professing Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20). Whether you've been following Jesus for a long time and never got baptized or are a new Christian, we would be honored to baptize you! Click the link below for the next step of Baptism!